Sunday, September 14, 2008

Some published pieces

Thought I'd put some links through to a few opinion pieces I've had published:

1 comment:

David said...

Found you Australia can help the neighbourhood piece rather interesting. My gut reaction was to dismiss guest workers as a paternalistic aid practice, that was cultural destructive. However on reflection, it is a great short term and possibly long term solution.

Whilst generally frowned upon, the great brain drain to the richer nations, and cities of this world does have the same benefit you mention in you piece. The idea of the remittance, sending money back home is central to the modern social systems of India, Nepal, Philippines, Peru and I am sure many other countries. This money enables the education and support of the families back home at a greater level. With the difference in cost of between Australia and some of these countries the small change workers can send back becomes significant.

I do think that the worker programs, can of course only be a small part of the total solution. There is important work being done in community development, health, and food security.

The scariest thing that is coming soon, unless the world changes soon is the sinking of our neighbours in the pacific. This will be happen in part because of our slow response to climate change here in Australia.

I wonder, will we grant a guest worker residency if there home island no longer exists?

I hope so.